
December 2021


how to find an accountant for small business

Although hiring an accountant is optional, they can be an enormous help with reviewing financial records and filing taxes. An experienced business accountant’s advice might be the difference between success and failure and their expertise can help guide your decisions as your business grows. Make sure the accountant you bring on has experience in the areas where you need support – taxes, audits, financial records, bookkeeping, etc. If possible, find a professional who has worked with other businesses in your industry before.

Your local chamber of commerce (or similar small business organizations) is a great source for recommendations. One of the notable chamber of commerce membership benefits is that local accountants (in addition to other local businesses) may partner with your chamber to offer discounted rates for their services. Early stage entrepreneurs often encounter issues with cash flow. Their business consulting can help you go from feeling like a passenger on the wild ride of business ownership to being behind the wheel. Some accountants are willing to do bookkeeping while others focus on broader business tasks.

To account or not to account

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) do a lot more than just bookkeeping and taxes. See how a CPA can help your business, whether you need help with payroll or accounts receivable. Some accountants will do bookkeeping while others focus on more complex tasks. If you record your transactions, you do not need an accountant working for you at all times. Instead, look for an accountant who will work with you periodically. If you do not want to do any of your accounting, you might opt to hire an in-house accountant.

How do I know if I have a good accountant?

They regularly communicate with you and return your calls quickly. A good accountant will always return your calls or emails within a reasonable amount of time (often the same day or the next). They will also proactively check in periodically to see how your business is running and if you have any questions.

Here’s what you need to know about small-business tax advisors to make your best decision. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. The first step when interviewing potential candidates is to make sure you’re on the same page about what your business needs from an accountant. Since CPAs wear so many different hats, be direct about what your business is looking for and how long a contract would last. This allows CPAs to figure out if they would be a good fit for your business and will help you focus on hiring an accountant who has the right skills for the job.

Certified Management Accountant (CMA)

They advise clients, prepare personal and business taxes, and deal with the Internal Revenue Service on matters related to business or personal tax audits. Aside from rote bookkeeping and tax filing, the most significant value-add from a small business accountant is financial analysis and teaching basic accounting concepts. Through ratio analysis, accountants pinpoint the areas where your business could improve efficiency, boosting your bottom line. Business owners lean on their accountants to suggest changes to the business model that can yield profits.

how to find an accountant for small business

This will mean you don’t have to worry about the risks involved in exchanging data back and forth. So try to find an accountant who’s using the same software as you. There’s no reason why they can’t use more than one type of accounting software for different clients. Always bear in mind that in most countries there is a big difference between tax avoidance (usually legal) and tax evasion (usually illegal). You need an accountant who knows the details of tax law so well that they’ll save you money in legal ways, but not one who takes things too far and risks causing your business to operate illegally. Accountants often charge by the hour, so making them do simple data-entry tasks is not the best use of their time – time that you’re paying for.

Business Line of Credit: Compare the Best Options

Some will charge by the hour, some might charge a monthly retainer, others could charge a percentage of your turnover. As a small business owner, negotiation should already be part of how to find an accountant for small business your skill-set. Bear in mind that choosing an accountant can be a personal decision, so what’s right for your best friend’s PR business might not suit your manufacturing company.

Access all Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business. Be very careful about this, because ultimately it’s you, the business owner, who’ll pay the penalty if the law is broken. Business owners love Patriot’s award-winning payroll software. Also, ask if the accountant will come to your business location. You should know how quickly the accountant tends to respond to inquiries, too. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.

It’s standard for an engagement letter to be revised to factor in changes and updates from the prospective client. CO— aims to bring you inspiration from leading respected experts. However, before making any business decision, you should consult a professional who can advise you based on your individual situation. Our best expert advice on how to grow your business — from attracting new customers to keeping existing customers happy and having the capital to do it.

  • As someone who owns or runs a business, there will likely come a time when you need to hire a reliable small business accountant.
  • Good quality accounting software will make it easy for you to take part in your accounting process.
  • There are professional services you can use to help you with this, but if the accountant is genuine, it’s likely they’ll be willing to give you a selection of contacts for references.
  • Use this six-step checklist to help you know what to consider when finding and choosing an accountant for your business.
  • Alternatively, follow these steps to find the best accountant for your small business.
  • As a general rule, you will either pay a fee per service, or an hourly rate.

Your business accountant will be an integral part in developing and reaching your business goals, so finding the right one needs careful planning. A reputable accountant should have the qualifications and experience to support their knowledge and expertise. It may be in your best interest to look for an accountant who has experience working with other businesses in the same industry as you. Choosing the right accountant can help you take your business to the next level; choosing the wrong accountant can be counterproductive to your business’s health.

How do you find a business accountant?

Some accountants will do little more than manage your accounts and complete your tax return forms, but the best accountants are more proactive. So before choosing an accountant, ask what they could suggest to save your business money. For example, you might choose to enter the basic accounts data in-house, then hand the work over to your accountant.

With a strong business accountant reviewing your finances, your company can develop informed business strategies that promote growth, and you’ll be organized year-round — not just at tax time. Therefore, to ensure you choose the accountant who is the best fit for your business, be selective and take your time with the decision. Once you’ve conducted your initial research and compiled a list of a few prospects, it’s time to conduct a series of meetings or interviews with them. This is your opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding of how they work. It’s in your company’s best interests to have an experienced, capable person handling one of the most important areas of your business – your finances.