
March 2022


Kaleej News Paper  Gulf  job vacancies Latest 2022

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If you are very interested in Gulf and indian jobs, we will always be with you to assist you,we have some vacancies in the Gulf to share with you, you can get more details of these vacancies below👇

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The link to apply for this job or the number to call is given below

If you are interested to apply for this job please submit the application form along with your updated resume to the below-mentioned website.

We would warmly welcome those who have a keen sense of interest in building a career by applying for Dubai port jobs. All individuals are requested to please take a few minutes to set up their profile by visiting the following link below. Once we have received your CV, our recruitment team will review it thoroughly and will get back to you if you are shortlisted. Below is the list of Dubai port jobs, any individuals can apply as per meeting the criteria given


Maintenance of Air – Conditioning Company (Multiple Vacancies)

1) AC HVAC Technicians − Diploma holder − 3 years of proven experience as an HVAC technician.

2) CCTV Camera Technicians − Diploma holder − 3 years of proven experience as a CCTV camera technician and a valid driving license.

Work Location: Dammam, KSA Whatsapp CV: 00966-533080905 Job published on: 28th March 2022


Office Boy

Property Solutions Company: Khidmah – Industry Work Location: Abu Dhabi Qualification: 10th pass with other relevant knowledge Experience: Min 2-3 years proven GCC experience Skills: Good in English speaking

Send CV Email: [email protected] Job published on: 28th March 2022


Urgent Required for a School in Dubai (5 Nos.)

1) Primary English Teacher 2) Business Studies 3) Accountancy Teacher  4) Primary Maths Teacher  5) Kindergarten Teacher

Send CV Email: [email protected] Job published on: 28th March 2022


A leading UAE Based Group (3 Nos.)

1) Sales Executives  Qualification: MBA Experience: 2+ years relevant outdoor sales experience

2) Customer Relationship Manager Qualification: MBA Experience: 2+ years UAE experience. Logistics management sector experience holders are highly preferred.

3) Accountant Qualification: Experience: 1+ years UAE experience.

Send CV Email: [email protected]


Leading Contracting Company (6 Nos.)

1) Architect 2) MEP Engineer 3) Architectural Draftsman 4) Structure Engineer 5) Civil Engineer 6) Site Supervisor

Job Type: full time (8 hours a Day) Sector: Leading Contracting company Work Location: Ajman Knowledge: Candidates must have 5 years of construction experience

Contact #052 2336990 Send CV Email: [email protected]

Dubai Based Joinery Company (4 Nos.)

1) Chargehand Joinery Carpenter Must have drawings knowledge.

2) Wood Polisher Knowledge: sanding and spray painting.

3) Welder Experience: stainless steel & Aluminum work

4) Steel Fabricator Read drawings & specifications knowledge understanding of steel finishes.

Sector: Joinery and Architectural Steel Workshop Experience: UAE experience (4 to 5 years) Required Visa: should be on a changeable visa. Salary: Attractive Salary Benefits: Food and Transportation & Accommodation

For interview and trade testing • Please contact on 055-4939021


Secretary cum Accounts Assistant

Job Title: Secretary cum Accounts Assistant Company: X PERT INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS TRADING LLC Job Location: Abu Dhabi Experience: 2 years Knowledge: – Handling daily / petty cash transaction – Attending phone calls and welcoming customers – Data Entry related to jobs – Payment followups

Send CV Email: [email protected] Job Publishing Date: 28th March 2022


Female Secretary

Work Sector: learning center Language: Must be fluent in English  Send CV Email: [email protected] Job published on: 28th March 2022



Gender: Female Graduate Experience: accounts and personnel services.

Send CV Email: Job published on: 28th March 2022

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1xbet Ilə Qazanın: Oskara Ən Yaxşı Mərclər 2023 Kai̇m Az


2. 5 əmsalı ilə Donald Tramp ABŞ prezidentliyinə namizəd olacaq Baxaq, Tramp bunu bacaracaq mı, amma o, mütləq Respublikaçılar partiyasından prezidentliyə namizəd ola bilər. 4, 5 əmsalı ilə Henri Kavill yeni Ceyms Bond olacaq Kavill artıq məşhur POWER franşizasında Supermen və “Сədugər” kitab və oyun seriyasının movie adaptasiyasında Geralt rolların oynayıb. Yeni zirvələr haqqında düşünmək vaxtıdır?

  • Mərcin məbləği yüksək olduqda, oyunçuya verilən kart bir um qədər çox olur.
  • Saytın rəhbərliyi əlavə edilmiş elanların məzmununa görə məsuliyyət daşımır!
  • 1xGames bölməsində oyunlara 2 AZN`dən başlayaraq mərc etmək (promoda iştirak edən oyunların siyahısı aksiya səhifəsindəki “Qaydalar” bölməsində tapmaq olar)
  • Bundan əvvəl Den Kvanın və Daniel Şaynertin aktivlərində yalnız bir w tamtym miejscu film var idi – parlaq, lakin qeyri-rəsmi “İnsan- isveçrə bıçağıdır”.
  • Ancaq ən çətin anlarda belə insanlar özlərinin əhval-ruhiyyəsini qaldrımaq üçün fürsət axtarırlar.

İçimizdəki ehtiyatlar – 2022`ci ildə hər birimiz üçün çox vacib olan bir şey. Buna görə də, bütün rəqabət ilə ilin filmi üçün ən yaxşı namizədi aperitivo bilməzsiniz. Əlbəttə ki, 1xBet ilə qazanmaq imkanlarının siyahısı bu nominasiyalarla məhdudlaşmır. Seçiminizi edin və 1xBet ilə ilin ən yaxşı filmlərindən qazanın! © 2019 YENİGÜNDƏM : Bütün hüquqları qorunur.

Bet Ilə Qazanın: “oskar”a Ən Yaxşı Mərclər – 2023

Və onun qələbəsi üçün çox xoş bir əmsal bir daha sübut edir ki, 1xBet ilə gəlirinizi artıra bilərsiniz. Böyük ustadın üçüncü rejissor heykəlciyini – qazanmağa çalışdığı “Fabelmanlar”- onun avtobioqrafiyasıdır. 1xbet azerbaycan Uşaqlıq və gənclik xatirəsi, xəyalının doğulduğu illər. Spilberg izləyicisindən belə bir ixtisas tələb etmir. Yalnız yetkin Semmi – rejissorun alter ego`suna  diqqət və empatiya etmək istəyi kifayətdir.

  • Müdafiəçi sonradan transfer edilmək hüququ ilə…
  • Söhbət yalnız qrim sənətindən və ya Hollivudun seks simvolunun həyatındakı məşhur foto və səhnələrin dəqiq bir şəkildə yenidən qurulmasından getmir.
  • Məlumat web səhifələrində istifadə edildikdə hiperlink vasitəsi ilə istinad mütləqdir.
  • Nəticədə, Dominikin bir qədər uzanan (166 dəqiqə) filmindən gözlərinizi çəkmək sadəcə mümkün deyil.

Həqiqətən futbollu Avro bu yayı unudulmaz edəcək möhtəşəm bir hadisədir. Ümumilikdə 51 qarşıdurma baş tutacaq, lakin yeni Euro Games aksiyası ilə 1xBet oyunçuları daha çox mərc edə və möhtəşəm hədiyyələr qazana bilərlər. Aksiya çərçivəsində, 1xGames bölməsindən oyunlara mərc etmək və ən müasir Apple və Samsung cihazlarını qazanma şansı əldə etmək olar. 1xBet veb saytında qeydiyyatdan keçmək və ya daxil olmaq Aksiya səhifəsindəki “İştirak et” düyməsini basmaq. 1xGames bölməsində oyunlara 2 AZN`dən başlayaraq mərc etmək (promoda iştirak edən oyunların siyahısı aksiya səhifəsindəki “Qaydalar” bölməsində tapmaq olar)

Son Dəqi̇qə! Putindən Istefa Tələbi Rəsmi̇ləşdi̇ – Kremldən Şok Bəyanat

Formula 1 sürücüləri də tez-tez belə tədbirlərə təşrif buyuran… Azərbaycanın FIFA referisi Əliyar Ağayevin twenty-one yaşadək futbolçulardan ibarət komandalar arasında Avropa çempionatında idarə edəcəyi növbəti oyun müəyyənləşib. “Qarabağ” Portuqaliya “Çaves”indən Olavia Viera de Santos Juniorun transferini rəsmiləşdirib. Bu haqda klubun mətbuat xidməti məlumat yayıb.

  • Spilberg onsuz da eighty yaşındadır, onu hələ neçə filmin gözlədiyini necə bilmək olar – yəqin ki, bir çox seçici səsini dahi Stivena vermək istədilər.
  • 1xBet “Pinokkio” qələbəsinə mərc təklif edir.
  • Konfrans Liqasının We təsnifat mərhələsində Minsk “Dinamo”su ilə Bosniya və Herseqovina təmsilçisi “Jelezniçar” arasındakı cavab matçının yeri müəyyənləşib.
  • Futbolinfo. az xəbər verir ki, azərbaycanlı futbolçu Ramin Nəsirlinin komandası “Dauqavpils” də növbəti matçına çıxıb….

Qırğızıstanın paytaxtı Bişkek şəhərində paurliftinq və “Strict Curl” üzrə açıq Avropa çempionatı keçirilib. Futbolinfo. az xəbər verir ki, yarışda Azərbaycanı Strongman… “Qarabağ” və Cəbəllütariqin “Linkoln” komandaları arasında keçiriləcək UEFA Çempionlar Liqasının 1-ci təsnifat mərhələsinin oyunlarının vaxtı dəqiqləşib. Azərbaycanın FIFA referisi Elçin Məsiyev UEFA-dan təyinat alıb. Futbolinfo. az Avropa balompié qurumunun rəsmi saytına istinadən xəbər verir ki, o, Litvada…

Əliyar Ağayev İngiltərə – Almaniya Oyununu Idarə Edəcək

Bütün variantların maraqlı olduğu o hal! 1. 87 əmsal ilə “Riçmond” İngiltərə Premyer Liqa cədvəlində “Vest Hamdan” daha yüksək olacaq Amma ellie qalib gəlsə də, əmin ola bilərsiniz ki, üçüncü mövsüm məyus etməyəcək.

  • Yeni zirvələr haqqında düşünmək vaxtıdır?
  • Avstriyada təlim-məşq toplanışında olan “Qarabağ”ın yoxlama görüşü üçün daha bir rəqibi müəyyənləşib.
  • Bu barədə futbolinfo. az-an ukraynalı yarımmüdafiəçinin özü məlumat verib.
  • Sonra bu, Kavill`in lakonik qəhrəman rolundan bezməsi və diqqətini daha ciddi layihələrə yönəltmək qərarına gəlməsi ilə əlaqələndirdilər.

Uğuru əldə etmək, ya Blessed Wheel`in 20 dəfə fırlatmağı, ya weil 1xBet`də yeni mərclərə sərf edilə bilən 50`dən 5000`ə qədər bonus xalını təmin edir. Ancaq bunlar hamısı deyil, çünki 5 qazanılan uğur, aksiyanın mükafat fondunun tirajında iştiraka zəmanət verir! Saytın rəhbərliyi əlavə edilmiş elanların məzmununa görə məsuliyyət daşımır! Top bukmeker dünya kino sənayesinin əsas hadisəsində pulun necə qazanmasını izah edir.

“sabah” Mərakeş Millisinin Futbolçusu Ilə Anlaşıb

Xəbərlər istinad verilmədən götürülə, qanuna zidd olaraq kopyalana və başqa yerdə yayımlana bilməz. 2022`ci ilin dünya üzrə yüz milyonlarla insan üçün çətin bir il olduğunu söyləməyə ehtiyac yoxdur. Ancaq ən çətin anlarda belə insanlar özlərinin əhval-ruhiyyəsini qaldrımaq üçün fürsət axtarırlar.

  • Və onun qələbəsi üçün çox xoş bir əmsal bir daha sübut edir ki, 1xBet ilə gəlirinizi artıra bilərsiniz.
  • 23 sentyabr 2012-ci ildən fəaliyyətə başlayan Medianews. az saytı yaranışının 12 illiyinə yeni dizayn və yeni funksionallıqla xidmətinizdədir.
  • Həqiqətən futbollu Avro bu yayı unudulmaz edəcək möhtəşəm bir hadisədir.
  • Futbolinfo. arizona saytının Bolqarıstan mətbuatına istinadən məlumatına görə, Azərbaycan…

Konfrans Liqasının We təsnifat mərhələsində Minsk “Dinamo”su ilə Bosniya və Herseqovina təmsilçisi “Jelezniçar” arasındakı cavab matçının yeri müəyyənləşib. “Barselona” baş məşqçi Şarunas Yasikyaviçyusla yollarını ayırdığını rəsmən bəyan edib.

“səbail”dən “qəbələ”yə Növbəti Transfer

Əlbətdə ki, catéter yaxşılıq pislik üzərində qələbə qazanır, çünki hətta del Toronun da icazə verilən hədləri var. Ancaq həmin İtaliyadan yüz il geridə qalan dünya haqqında düşünə bilməz. Və cizgi filminin bu cür düşüncələrin oyatmaq qabiliyyəti böyük sənətin əlamətidir. 1xBet “Pinokkio” qələbəsinə mərc təklif edir. Yenidən əmsala diqqət yetirin – uduzmaq şansı sadəcə əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə aşağıdır. Brendan Freyzerin uğursuzluğu təkcə sürpriz deyil, həm də dəhşətli ədalətsizlik olacaq.

2022`ci ilin payızında məlum oldu ki, “Cədugər”in növbəti mövsümü Kavillin layihədəki sonuncu mövsümü olacaq. Sonra bu, Kavill`in lakonik qəhrəman rolundan bezməsi və diqqətini daha ciddi layihələrə yönəltmək qərarına gəlməsi ilə əlaqələndirdilər. Bəs onun qərarı, Henrinin başqa bir səssiz obrazı oynamaq təklifi alması ilə bağlıdırsa? Kavillin də oynadığı Şerlok Holms ilə eyni Britaniya mədəniyyətinin simvolu. Və, bəli, siz, əlbəttə, digər potensial Bond aktyorlarına weil mərc edə bilərsiniz. Seçimlər arasında Tom Hardi (əmsal – 9), İdris Elba (15), Robert The english actor (101) və hətta Ancelina Coli (1000) var.

Pakistan Ukrayna-rusiya Müharibəsinə Müdaxi̇lə Edə Bi̇lər: İmran Xan Kremldə…

“Qəbələ”dən ayrılan əksər legionerlər kimi o de uma karyerasını başqa çempionatda davam etdirəcək. Azərbaycan millisinin sabiq məşqçisi Benito Karbone baş məşqçi kimi fəaliyyət göstərə bilər.

  • Premium bukmeykerdə hər kəs üçün qazanc variantları tapa bilərsiniz – və aşağıda sizin üçün uyğun landa biləcək bir neçə mərc var.
  • 21 yaşadək futbolçulardan ibarət Azərbaycan millisinin yarımmüdafiəçisi Emil Mustafayevin yeni komandası müəyyənləşmək üzrədir.
  • “Sarışın” Endryu Dominika “Qızıl Moruq” anti-mükafat nominasiyalarının sayına görə 2022`ci ilin rekordçusudur.
  • Gilyermo del Toro dünyaca məşhur hekayəni götürub və bir az modernləşdirdi.

Futbolinfo. az saytı xəbər verir ki, italiyalı mütəxəssis vaxtilə… “Zirə” heyətini yeni futbolçu ilə gücləndirib.

Azərbaycan Millisinin Üzvü Bolqarıstan Klubuna Keçir

Qlobal bukmeker şirkəti 1xBet həmişə müştərilərinə pul qazanmaq üçün yeni fikirlər təqdim etməyə çalışır. Və burada en yeni bir fürsət var – “Oskar” mükafatı laureatlarına uğurlu bir mərc etmək. Martın 12`dən 13`nə keçən gecə Amerika kinematoqrafiya incəsənət və elmlər akademiyasının 95`ci mükafat mərasimi keçiriləcək. Bu, kino dünyasında əsas hadisədir, çünki uzun müddətdir ki, Hollivud və digərləri  var. İndiyə qədər bir qədər az, həmçinin də çox sayda internet kullan?c?s? mərc etmək üçün gündəlik 1xBet saytına daxil olur.

Litvalı mütəxəssis 3 il idi ki, komandanın baş məşqçisi idi…. Latviya çempionatında 19-cu turun oyunları keçirilib.

Nəsirlidən Məhsuldar Ötürmə, Komandasından Inamlı Qələbə

Bəli, bu film prokatın hitinə çevrilmədi, amma akademiklər maestro etirafını qiymətləndirməməyə bilməzdilər. Spilberg onsuz da 70 yaşındadır, onu hələ neçə filmin gözlədiyini necə bilmək olar – yəqin ki, bir çox seçici səsini dahi Stivena vermək istədilər. “Sarışın” Endryu Dominika “Qızıl Moruq” anti-mükafat nominasiyalarının sayına görə 2022`ci ilin rekordçusudur. Lakin baş rolun ifaçısı “Oskar”a iddiaçıdır. Sadəcə Ana de Armas`ın oynamadığı, və sözün əsl mənasında Merilin Monro`nun həyatını yaşadığı bir rəsmi görməyənlər üçün. Nəticədə, Dominikin bir qədər uzanan (166 dəqiqə) filmindən gözlərinizi çəkmək sadəcə mümkün deyil.

  • Əlbəttə ki, 1xBet ilə qazanmaq imkanlarının siyahısı bu nominasiyalarla məhdudlaşmır.
  • Qlobal bukmeker şirkəti 1xBet həmişə müştərilərinə pul qazanmaq üçün yeni fikirlər təqdim etməyə çalışır.
  • Futbolinfo. az xəbər verir ki, yarışda Azərbaycanı Strongman…
  • Azərbaycanın FIFA referisi Elçin Məsiyev UEFA-dan təyinat alıb.

Xüsusilə hücum xəttində yeni oyunçuya ehtiyac duyan ağdamlılar bir… Saytdakı materialların istifadəsi zamanı istinad edilməsi vacibdir. Məlumat internet səhifələrində istifadə edildikdə hiperlink vasitəsi ilə istinad mütləqdir.

“zirə”dən Növbəti Transfer

Parlaq emosiyalar almağın yolları arasında 1xBet`ə mərc etmək mütləq diqqətə layiq bir seçimdir. Üstəlik, belə geniş seçimi olan bukmekerin təkcə idmana aid olmayan bir çox maraqlı mərcləri var. Aşağıda hətta Konor və Evan Makgregoru və Kriştiano Ronaldonu Ronald Makdonald ilə səhv salanlar üçün də araşdırmağa imkan verən bəzi variantlar va.

Tovuz şəhər stadionunda abadlıq və yenidənqurma işlərinə start verilib. Futbolinfo. az xəbər verir ki, infrstrukturun best vəziyyətə gətirilməsi üçün baş sponsor… Tahir Mikayılllı 9 ildir üzgüçülüklə məşğul olur. O, son olaraq yeniyetmələr arasında keçirilən respublika çempionatında rəqiblərini arxada qoyaraq qalib olmağı… “Qəbələ”nin 20 yaşadək futbolçulardan ibarət komandası Azərbaycan çempionu olub.


Applications are invited for various posts in Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation. There are 27 vacancies.

Junior Supervisor (Operations) Vacancy 1:

Qualification Degree / Diploma (Electrical / Mechanical / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering), 5 years work experience. The age limit is 35 years.

Junior Engineer – Vacancy16

(S&T 6, E&D M10). Qualification Degree / Diploma (Electronics and Telecommunication / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering) 5 years work experience is required to apply for S&T and 3 – 5 years to apply for E&M. The age limit is 35 years.

Assistant (IT): Vacancy 1 (OBC).

Eligibility B.Sc. (IT / Computer / BCA) Diploma (Computer Science / Application) Two years work experience.

All of the above are contract appointments. In addition, applications are invited for 9 vacancies in the posts of Assistant General Manager, Assistant Manager and Deputy Engineer on deputation / contract basis. The application should be submitted online. Website for details: Deadline: April 15.


Vacancies in Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIFB) There are 50 vacancies in various notifications. Apply online.

Post, Vacancy, Eligibility in Order


  • Junior Consultant – PSC (18): BTech Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering with 3 years experience
  • Inspection Engineer (11): BTech Civil, 5 years experience
  • Resident Engineer – PSC (7): BTech Civil, 10 years experience
  • Draftsman – PSC (7): Diploma in Civil Engineering with 5 years experience
  • Project Associate (5): BTech / MBA with 2 years experience
  • Senior Coordinator (2): BTech Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering with 15 years experience

For More details visit the website Last date for submission of application – March 30


KIFB (Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board)
KIIFB) was constituted by Government of Kerala as a Body Corporate financial institution in the Indian state of Kerala to mobilize funds for infrastructure development from outside the state revenue. KIIFB is a statutory body constituted by the ‘Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Act, 1999’ (Act 4 of 2000).

The current mandate of KIIFB is to provide funding support to priority major projects at a total outlay of INR 50,000 Cr in five years starting from the financial year 2016-17. So far KIIFB has approved 821 projects for INR 60,102.51 Cr. The projects cover all the vital sectors like Education, Health Care, Transport (roads, bridges, waterways and light metro rail), Electricity, Water Supply etc.


TVS Motor Company, a reputed manufacturer of two-wheelers and three-wheelers in the world, today introduced TVS Jupiter ZX equipped with SMARTXONNECTTM. TVS Jupiter has always stood for ‘Zyada Ka Fayda’ and has been one of the most loved scooters in the country.

The Bluetooth connectivity feature was first introduced in the 110cc scooter segment with TVS Jupiter Grande Edition. Now, the SMARTXONNECTTM feature is being introduced in the new top-of-the line variant with additional best-in-class technology features like fully digital console, Voice Assist, Navigation Assist, and SMS/Call alerts to cater to tech-savvy customers. This will be the first scooter in the 110cc segment to offer Voice Assist feature to offer Zyada convenience. The TVS SMARTXONNECTTM platform is an innovative Bluetooth-enabled technology paired with an exclusive TVS Connect mobile App available on both Android and iOS platforms.

The interactive Voice Assist feature allows consumers to interact with the scooter through voice commands given to the TVS SMARTXONNECTTM application via a connected device such as Bluetooth headphones, wired headphones or a helmet that is connected and Bluetooth equipped. The scooter’s response is seen on the speedometer to the consumer and as audio feedback via headphones.

The scooter now comes with Silver Oak colour inner panels that differentiate this flagship variant from the rest of the trims to step up the desirability quotient further. Apart from these advanced features, the new variant of TVS Jupiter ZX also offers a new Dual Tone seat with a new design pattern for Zyada style. Additionally, this variant in the TVS Jupiter series also gets a rear backrest to provide added comfort and convenience to the pillion.

The TVS Jupiter ZX SMARTXONNECTTM is equipped with intelliGO technology and i-TOUCHstart with an integrated starter generator system and attractive features like an LED headlamp, a 2-litre glovebox mobile charger, 21-litre storage and also, a front disc brake. TVS Jupiter’s 110cc engine develops a maximum power of 5.8 kW at 7,500 rpm while generating a peak torque output of 8.8 Nm at 5,500 rpm.

The Angola pavilion Art Gallery at the Expo 2020 started Tondongo Collective Exhibition, the Feminine Universe in celebration of International Women’s Day. The exhibition, opened with a ceremony featuring a traditional Angolan dance performance and along with the artists who engaged with the visitors on their artworks, will run until March 20, 2022.
Featuring 32 artworks in different artistic styles ranging from paintings, sculptures, modelling, application in fabric, photography, and performances by nine different artists, the ‘Tondongo, the Feminine Universe’ exhibition focuses on ritualistic, feminine, and African scarification that symbolize gestation of the living being. The exhibition also marks the union of different languages ​​that harmonize in the common feeling of strength and creativity.
Commenting on the exhibition, Ms. Carla Peairo, the curator of the Gallery at the Angola Pavilion, commented, “We are proud to hot this exhibition the pavilion bringing together artists from various backgrounds. In the process, it shows the diversity and richness of contemporary art celebrated by women. The goal of the exhibition is to create new cultural ties, thus strengthening the exchange of experiences in the artistic sphere.”
The Angola pavilion has showcased several exhibitions from traditional and contemporary artists from the nation since the start of Expo 2020. Many of these exhibitions were from Angolan female artists from various backgrounds and art styles.
So far, the female artists that have participated at the pavilion in Solo exhibitions at the Gallery include Armanda Alves, Carla Peairo, Daniela Ribeiro, Fineza Teta, and Maria Belmira. They have presented works from the series The Dynamic of Being, Ancestrality and Technology Symbiosis and Weaving Memories, respectively.
Now, joining the international exhibition is Anastasie Akibodé, a Frenchwoman with African roots that go back to Cape Verde, Benin, and Senegal, presents Wired Artistic Energies; Miriam Rodriguez, born in Portugal, with origins in Cape Verde and Angola, shows the Rebirth collection and the artist Márcia Dias, Angolan and cultural ambassador for the Oscar Ribas Foundation, presents the Resilience set.

Royal Enfield, the global leader in the mid-size (250cc – 750cc) motorcycling segment, today unveiled the Scram 411 – the brand’s first ADV crossover. The new Scram 411 is an engaging, accessible and capable street scrambler, with the heart of an adventure motorcycle. Built on Royal Enfield’s proven LS-410 engine platform and the Harris Performance chassis, the Scram 411 combines spirited agility on urban streets, with competent rough-roading capabilities. Focused and purposeful changes in the riding geometry and ergonomics make it ideal for in-city riding, as well as unpredictable, challenging trails off the urban grid.

Unveiled for global audiences, the new Scram 411 will be available for test rides and bookings in India starting today. The motorcycle will be available in Europe and across countries in the Asia Pacific region by mid of this year, and thereafter will be launched in North America and Latin America as well.

The Scram 411 is a continuation of Royal Enfield’s constant quest to enable the pursuit of exploration, and to build motorcycles that can be the perfect ally for every adventure. One such motorcycle is the Himalayan – Royal Enfield’s first purpose-built, adventure tourer. Inspired by its terrain and decades of riding experience in the Himalayas, the Himalayan is the spartan, yet immensely capable motorcycle that is perfect for most riders, and has built a thriving subculture of adventure touring across the world. Launched in 2016, the Himalayan has received global recognition for its pure and unique design and well-rounded capability, making it among Royal Enfield’s best selling motorcycles across the world. These highly regarded and terrain-tested characteristics of the Himalayan were the inspiration for a more urban, scrambler style evolution – the Scram 411.

The Scram 411 is a new subspecies that has the authentic vibes of a scrambler and comes with built-in strong adventure DNA. It is a motorcycle that feels playfully agile on urban roads, yet is a highly capable multi-tasker that is always ready for whatever comes its way.

Siddhartha Lal, Managing Director, Eicher Motors Ltd., simply loves the fluidity and the multipurpose ability of the Scram 411. Speaking about this in the context of modern existence, he said, “Whether it’s London, New Delhi or Tokyo, the contours of modern urban existence are ever-changing. With our world increasingly becoming more fast-paced, life in the urban context has become about the weekday hustle and the weekend getaway, and everything in between. We wanted to build a motorcycle that could effortlessly navigate this entire gamut, and be the perfect ally for the young, modern day rider. The Scram 411 is truly a motorcycle made for now, and is always ready to tackle whatever surprise is in store”

Speaking about the inspiration behind the Scram 411, and about the new motorcycle, Executive Director, Royal Enfield, B Govindarajan, said, “The globally lauded versatility and competence of the Himalayan inspired us to reimagine the motorcycle in a more young, modern-day, urban context. The Scram 411 is the perfect crossover for young city-dwellers, who prefer a motorcycle that is fun and engaging to ride around the city, yet has a rugged appeal. By shifting the riding geometry to make the motorcycle more at home on busy city streets, and retaining its strong ability to take on rough roads and take on the weekend dirt trail, we’ve brought a unique subcategory for consumers. Like all our motorcycles, the Scram 411 is built for the global rider, and manufactured with world class engineering. We also have an array of genuine motorcycle accessories and a vibrant apparel range inspired by the Scram lifestyle. This is a very exciting and spirited new motorcycle, and we are confident that young riders from across the world will love the new Scram 411”

Powered at the heart by the LS-410 engine platform and the Harris Performance Chassis, the Scram 411’s riding ergonomics make it an effortless and engaging ride in everyday urban riding situations.

Mark Wells, Chief of Design at Royal Enfield, enjoys riding the Scram 411, and loves how easily it can navigate a wide spectrum of terrains and challenges. Speaking about creating a new subspecies of motorcycles, he said, “Most scrambler motorcycles focus only on aesthetics and looks. When we began work on the Scram 411, we were determined to create a motorcycle that would be distinct in design and purpose, and bring the best of rough road capability to urban riding. With its distinctive look and design, playful colourways, accessible riding proposition, the Scram 411 is an ultimate ADV crossover for the urban environment”

The Scram 411 is powered by the globally appreciated 411cc, fuel-injected, 4-stroke, SOHC, air-cooled single-cylinder engine. The engine has a maximum power of 24.3bhp at 6500rpm and max torque of 32Nm at 4000-4500 rpm which ensures smooth power delivery and strong bottom end torque that elevates the overall performance. The motorcycle is easy to manage over long urban commutes with minimum gear shifts, and the confidence inspiring engine performance allows it to tackle bad road, and off-road sections easily.

Traversing the urban maze on a motorcycle demands confidence, comfort and stability – be it snaking traffic snarls and pot-holed roads, or the hidden tracks on back roads best for cheeky evening slides. With its long travel suspension and monoshocks, and class-leading 200mm ground clearance, the Scram 411 promises a smooth and comfortable ride for the rider and pillion over long stretches on the saddle. The telescopic front suspension with 41mm forks and 190mm travel, along with 180mm travel on the rear with monoshock linkages, ensure stable and confident riding over varying and rough road conditions. The front and the rear discs combined with dual-channel ABS, offers confident braking.

The change in the riding geometry is brought about by the 19-inch, dual purpose front tyres. This combined with the 17-inch rear tyres are key elements that bring nimble handling to the motorcycle. The wheel sizes are ideal to provide best handling and excellent rolling capability over speed bumps and potholes. The dual-purpose tyres ensure a confident grip over tarmac and on loose gravel, while bringing the perfect combination of on-road grip and rough-road tractability.

The seat on the new Scram 411 has been reimagined for greater comfort over long saddle time. The new single seat that reflects the urban styling of the motorcycle, offers great comfort for both rider and pillion in long city commute as well as when taking the road less travelled. The accessible seat height makes it easy to maneuver the motorcycle in stop and go traffic

The ride ergonomics on the Scram 411 feels very planted and confident. The handlebar position, and seat height make the ride experience dynamic, and engaging. It retains a commanding and comfortable riding position while making it easy to ride when seated or standing up.

The new motorcycle has a digital-analog instrument cluster that provides easy access to essential information on the digital screen. The off-set old-school, analog speedometer adds to the Scram’s style and makes for easy viewing in peripheral vision. The instrument cluster also has an auto meter, trip meter, time, fuel gauge with a low warning, and service reminder. The Royal Enfield Tripper Navigation pod is available as an MiY option on all variants of the Scram 411.

With colourway inspirations coming from hip-hop cultures like skating, and night streets in cities like Tokyo and New Delhi, the new Scram 411 is available in seven colourways across three variants. Designed to stand-out, the colourways reflect a distinct urban vibe, with dark shades combined with highlight colours to pop and break the monotony. The Scram 411 in Graphite Yellow, Graphite Red and Graphite Blue, come with grey tanks and distinct tank badges and matching tyre rim tapes. The Skyline Blue and Blazing Black have distinct colour tanks with the identifiable Royal Enfield stripes and matching mud guards. The top-end variant, in two colourways – White Flame and Silver Spirit – flaunt dual tank colours, with unique and fun graphics.

The Scram 411 comes adventure ready with an array of motorcycle accessories that complement the lifestyle and purpose, and provide enhanced comfort, protection and style. Designed, developed and homologated alongside the motorcycle, the range includes accessories for protection, style and comfort. Ideal for riding in the urban environment and over weekend getaways, Royal Enfield’s Genuine Motorcycle Accessories come with a comprehensive 3-year warranty.

The apparel and riding gear range for the Scram 411 is stylish and functional. It works beautifully when you’re on the motorcycle exploring unpaved paths or zipping around the city. Jerseys equipped with additional Eva foam at shoulder and elbow provide impact protection for the rider. The lifestyle apparel range reflects the Scram lifestyle with t-shirts and jackets in vibrant colours and checkered graphics.

Customers can now discover, book a test ride, customize, and book their Scram 411 via the Royal Enfield App, or on the company website on, or at the nearest Royal Enfield Store. Bookings and test rides begin across dealerships in India today at a limited period introductory price of INR 2,03,085* for the Graphite Red, Yellow and Blue; INR 2,04,921* for the Skyline Blue and Blazing Black; and INR 2,08,593* for the Scram 411 Silver Spirit and White Flame

The World’s first all-terrain hypercar, designed to give a new dimension to off road driving, will be introduced to prospective buyers during a Middle East tour beginning in Bahrain this weekend to coincide with the F1 Grand Prix.

The Hunter, a 600 bhp, four-wheel drive all-terrain adventure vehicle with an unrivalled ability and performance across any landscape, is the product of a joint venture between UK based Prodrive and Mumtalakat of Bahrain.

It is born out of the Bahrain Raid Xtreme (BRX) competition car driven by Sebastien Loeb in the world’s toughest motor sport race, the Dakar Rally in Saudi Arabia.

The Hunter thrives in desert sand, dunes and rough mountain tracks, yet is docile enough to drive in an urban environment.

Beginning in Bahrain, the first development vehicle is touring the Middle East where customers are being offered the opportunity to drive the Hunter and confirm their personal specification for production vehicles to be delivered later this year.

The Hunter is even more powerful than the version driven by Loeb, with a 50% increase in power from the 3.5 litre V6 twin turbo engine and more suspension travel to absorb the harshest of terrain.

But while the car is even faster and more capable than the race car, it is also more refined. Ian Callum, who styled the exterior of the original competition car, has returned to the project to create a new interior more in keeping with every day use than racing.

A digital display gives the driver all the important information they need, while the centre console houses the more traditional controls found on a road car.

The Hunter is the product of over 40 years of successful off road competition at Prodrive whose chairman, David Richards, said: “There are numerous hypercars on the market, however they all need good roads or even race tracks to show their performance.

“We identified that in certain parts of the world, particularly the Middle East, there are vast expanses still to be explored that go way beyond the access provided by asphalt roads. Therefore why not create a vehicle that gives the opportunity to explore these regions with performance way beyond that offered by any off-road vehicle before.”

The Hunter retains the Dakar competition car’s engine, drivetrain and suspension, but to improve driveability, the manual sequential gear box has been replaced by a six speed paddle shift, giving a smooth gear change in just milliseconds.

As the hypercar does not have to comply with strict competition regulations, power has been increased by more than 50%. The 3.5 litre twin turbo V6 has been refined and retuned on Prodrive’s advanced transient dyno in Banbury, UK to produce over 600bhp and 700 Nm of torque while making its power delivery smoother and easier to drive.

Prodrive estimates that this would give it a 0-100 kph time in less than four seconds and a top speed of nearly 300 kph. However, the vehicle is fitted with bespoke 35” off-road tyres designed to optimise grip over rough terrain and sand rather than on tarmac.

Richards said: “We took the deliberate decision to keep the Hunter Hypercar as close to the original as possible. It’s about giving owners the opportunity to experience what it is like to drive Loeb’s Dakar car across the desert, but with all the comforts of a road car and the ability to drive it from your home, through a city, to any destination of your choice.”

The whoe car is built around a high tensile steel space frame chassis, giving both a rigid platform to optimise the suspension geometry and performance within an FIA standard safety cage to protect the occupants.

The all-round double wishbone suspension with twin adjustable dampers on each corner has 400mm of travel – an increase from 350mm on the competition car – to give a smoother ride and even greater ability to cross the roughest terrain at speeds unimaginable in any other vehicle.  Six pot racing brake calipers and vented discs all round give it plenty of stopping power both on and off-road.

The vehicle has been designed to minimise overall weight and optimise the weight distribution and centre of gravity.  All the bodywork is made from lightweight carbon composite, which includes recycled materials produced by Prodrive Composites.

Richards said: “The first development vehicle is currently touring the Middle East, where customers are being offered the opportunity of driving the Hunter and confirming their personal specification for production vehicles to be delivered later this year.”

Bahrain Raid Extreme is a partnership between Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company “Mumtalakat”, the sovereign wealth fund of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and world-leading motorsport business, Prodrive.

 The focus of the first FIA Rally Star Training Season switches this weekend to Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi where the Middle East and North African Final winner will be crowned. 

From Friday to Sunday, the Emirates Motorsports Organization (EMSO) will host the FIA Rally Star Middle East and North African Final using purpose-built stage layouts located within the state-of-the-art Abu Dhabi Grand Prix venue.

Candidates from nine countries within the region, dreaming of one day competing in the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC), will go for a life-changing opportunity by undertaking a series of timed tests and assessments.

The results will be used to determine who will join the FIA Rally Star European Final winner, Estonia’s Romet Jürgenson, in the inaugural FIA Rally Star Training Season in 2023.

EMSO President Khalid Bin Sulayem, said: “We are delighted to host the Middle East and North African FIA Rally Star final. Our mission is to develop motor sport at both national and international level, and rally has always occupied an important place in our country’s motor sport heritage.

“Last week some of the world’s best cross-country competitors were celebrated here during the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge, round two of the FIA World Rally-Raid Championship, and now the focus turns to grassroots rallying and the next generation of champions in the discipline.”

In total, 24 candidates will contest the FIA Rally Star Middle East and North African Final, having qualified via Digital or Slalom Challenges held virtually within their country or online, or as a wildcard nominated by a National Sporting Authority (ASN).

Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar and UAE are all represented in the MENA regional final at Yas Marina Circuit. Tests include timed training runs in the TN5 Cross Car from FIA World Rally Championship driver Thierry Neuville’s LifeLive organisation.

It is the second of six FIA Rally Star Continental Finals in 2022, and follows January’s European Final held at the Estering in Germany. The results of the Continental Finals decide six of the seven FIA Rally Star Team members for 2023, with the seventh member coming from an all-female final contested later this year by the best-performing woman in each of the six Continental Finals.

The 2023 FIA Rally Star Training Season includes six rallies in an M-Sport Ford Fiesta Rally3, as well as physical and intellectual assessment, driver coaching and testing. The aim is to equip the successful contestants with the attributes they need as they attempt to secure a drive in the FIA World Rally Championship in the future.

At the end of 2023, the best four FIA Rally Star Team members are rewarded with a season in the FIA Junior WRC Championship in 2024. For 2025, three drivers go forward into a second Junior WRC season. If one of the FIA Rally Star Team members wins the title, they secure a WRC2 campaign in a Rally2 car for 2026, with a Rally1 drive their next target.

Apart from any initial registration fee, plus travel costs for national selections and the Continental Final, all other costs are covered by the FIA with support from the FIA Innovation Fund together with FIA Rally Star partners. Taking into consideration the 2023 Training Season, plus two years in the Junior WRC, that essentially means three seasons of rallying free of charge for three drivers.

FIA Rally Star Team members will also benefit considerably in terms of the experience and skills gained in 2023, plus the opportunity to showcase their ability to media outlets and potential sponsors and partners, rally teams and car manufacturers.

Delighting the adventure riding community, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India today announced the opening bookings of its new 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports in India across Honda’s exclusive Big Wing Topline showrooms. The new motorcycle will make its way to the Indian market through CKD* route (*Completely Knock Down).

The 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports model will be available in 2 variants – Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) in Mat Ballistic Black Metallic color while Manual Transmission in Pearl Glare White Tricolor scheme with new exciting stripes.

Sharing his thoughts on the occasion, Mr. Atsushi Ogata, Managing Director, President & CEO, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India said, “Ever since its arrival in 2017, Africa Twin has defined new peaks of adventure riding in India. Going a step further, 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports inspires the riders to carve their own trails and explore the unknown further. With the new model now open for booking, we wish all adventure seekers a year filled with new explorations, experiences & excitement!”

Announcing the bookings open for new 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports in India, Mr. Yadvinder Singh Guleria, Director – Sales & Marketing, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India said, “While India offers a diverse terrain & landscape for exploration, the adventure riding community is also evolving at a steady pace. The Africa Twin Tribe with its Dakar Rally DNA is growing in India while enjoying its unmatched all terrain capabilities and now with the 2022 Africa Twin, the adventure culture is bound to notch up further.”

Power and Performance
Further advancing its long-touring and off-roading capabilities, the 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports is powered by a 1082.96cc Liquid-cooled 4-Stroke 8-Valve Parallel Twin engine, Overhead Camshaft (OHC) Type valve system with an output of 73kW at 7500 rpm and torque of 103Nm at 6000 rpm. Further, its 270-degree offset crankshaft provides excellent traction & responsive acceleration for a pulsating engine performance.

Technology and Accessibility
Reinforcing its ‘Go anywhere’ spirit, the 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports is packed with technology and innovation with a six-axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), 2-Channel ABS, HSTC (Honda Selectable Torque Control) and Bluetooth Connectivity feature. Both MT and DCT variants get four default riding mode settings: TOUR, URBAN, GRAVEL and OFF-ROAD to cover most riding conditions plus two customizable USER 1 & 2 settings.

Prioritizing valuable feedback from community, the 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports comes with a readjusted console screen for better visibility while riding. On the entertainment front, the new 2022 model offers more accessibility with both Apple CarPlay (for iOS users) and the newly added Android Auto.

Design and Feature
To create an adventure tourer with on/off road capabilities, the 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports is designed with mass centralization for stability and handling, narrow central area & wide front to control the action when standing up on the pegs. A Telescopic Front Suspension and Pro-Link Rear Suspension offers best optimum composure with comfort to the rider and makes it a best combination as an on/off road bike.

The model also includes features like adjustable seat and rally styled positive LCD color display to ensure a comfortable ride. A Semi Double Cradle Steel Frame is also fitted to improve strength and support the engine which makes the journey more enjoyable.

To improve safety, the 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sport’s dual LED headlights with Daytime Running Lights (DRL) and Cornering Lights ensure consistent visibility and illuminated blind spots. A fuel tank of 24.5L is a perfect package for the long haul.


Color, price and availability
Starting today, Honda has started the bookings for 2022 Africa Twin Adventure Sports at its BigWing Topline dealerships in Gurugram (Haryana), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Bengaluru (Karnataka), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), Kochi (Kerala), Hyderabad (Telangana) and Chennai (Tamil Nadu).