1. George Clooney, 45


Actor with a conscience

The Reason Why:

Recently voted ‘sexiest guy live’, the man monikered Beautiful George all over the world is actually a pledged bachelor, which both implies the guy understands women way too really, or otherwise not whatsoever. Just what he really does know is precisely how to create actually practical ladies go shaky at knees, and then he provides a startlingly cross-generational charm. He’s already been connected to a bevy of top girls but has no goal of settling straight down. Nicole Kidman and Michelle Pfeiffer famously bet him $10,000 that he would be a dad by 40 – on shedding they paid up but Clooney bet double or nothing howevern’t end up being a dad by 50 possibly. Lately he is relocated away from blockbusters, to issue-raising flicks like Syriana, from his very own business, something which just helps make him more appealing.

According to him:

When asked if he’d enter politics he joked, ‘Me? Manage for office? No, I slept with so many ladies, done unnecessary medicines.’

2. Carl Djerassi, 86


Dad of pill

Precisely Why:

His work on reproductive human hormones led to the development of the pill in 1960, which assisted usher in the intimate movement, giving women power over their unique resides. Now more than 100 million females rely on the medicine for contraception – it has got became probably one of the most socially considerable improvements on the millennium.

He says:

‘A liberated, separate girl should really be responsible for her very own virility.’

3. Robert Winston, 66


Reproduction leader


Not just for his cutting-edge remedy for infertility, also for being a rather lone sound in perhaps not criticising ladies who choose to wait until their 30s to own youngsters. Their efforts are characterised by declining to judge whom might be a fit or unfit moms and dad. ‘i will not play Jesus,’ he mentioned from the beginning, adamantly offering make it possible to all who had been medically appropriate, like the single, lesbians or any females considered to be ‘unworthy’ of motherhood.

According to him:

‘What we have not accomplished as a culture is give women equivalence. We have pretended to, but we’ven’t made it any easier for them. In a few ways we’ve got managed to get harder. We inspire visitors to visit college and join a career but once they get to 38 while having currently led and compensated fees, society transforms about and states you might be too old for NHS [IVF] therapy. We need to rethink how we work. Really don’t consider we should be placing time restrictions about it.’

Jilly Cooper on Winston:

‘ Before we implemented my personal attractive Felix and Emily, I visited see him because i possibly couldn’t have children that was simply dreadful. The guy said that he could help myself, but I implemented. He was such a kind man.’

4. Bill Clinton, 60


Previous president associated with the united states of america

Exactly Why:

He could be starting to carry out fantastic work with supports Africa, using the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative. The Clinton Global Initiative is actually focusing on numerous ladies’ empowerment projects, such as microfinance and community banking, knowledge and health. He or she is additionally right behind his girlfriend within her bid for presidency, while he damn really is. A Bill Clinton look however produces a hearty degree of hysteria in the usa, which merely demonstrates how some thoughtfully chosen great works can rehabilitate a philanderer.

According to him:

‘I did not have intimate relations with that girl.’ Hillary on Bill: ‘the most challenging decisions I have manufactured in living were to stay hitched to Bill also to operate for your Senate from ny.’

5. Philip Green, 54

Just Who:

Proprietor of Arcadia fashion party in charge of Topshop, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge and Wallis, among others

Exactly Why:

Green effectively controls high-street fashion (over 2,000 outlets) – and therefore, ladies’ wish for, and access to, clothing. He’s the master of ‘fast fashion’, pioneering a return of stock which, including, indicates Topshop receives brand new stock 2-3 times a week, and with pushed their female clients into an elevated customer frenzy. The ‘Kate Moss for Topshop’ range releases later this springtime. He is speculated to earn £500,000 per day.

According to him:

‘I’m during the retail business, maybe not the circus company.’

6. Stuart Rose, 57


CEO Marks & Spencer


Under Rose’s influence, M&S’s floundering fortunes had been spectacularly stopped in a brief period of time. The Rose impact is most pronounced in M&S’s reworked method of womenswear – redirecting the look group towards a more trend-led, catwalk-inspired visual, adding a policy of quick return on specific parts. Their share on the womenswear marketplace in general in the UK (you will find 508 shops) has later risen to over 10 per-cent. An ad campaign, featuring types Twiggy, Erin O’Connor, Laura Bailey and Elizabeth Jagger, cranked within the brand’s profile and shares hit an all-time saturated in November 2006 with a 32 % increase in half-year profits. In run-up to Christmas time, a cashmere jacket was sold every half a minute.

According to him:

‘i do want to please all women, whenever.’

7. David Cameron, 40

Exactly Who:

Chief regarding the opposition

Exactly Why:

It’s about public belief where Cameron’s concerned. Young ones plus bicycle plus non-trophy leader wife equals the greatest in modern guy. ‘Opinion polls demonstrate that he could be winning expanding assistance from females, and I also believe he knows that, on the whole, they really want more than just macho knock-about politics,’ states persistence Wheatcroft, editor of Sunday Telegraph.

According to him:

‘Often, if there’s difficulty, I’ll deal with it because Sam [his girlfriend] goes in an office, and I also could be very versatile…’

8. Pedro Almodóvar, 57

Exactly Who:

Spanish film-maker

The Reason Why:

Their movies are passionate tributes to females – the feminine characters (celebrated by Almodóvar with regards to their many unconventionally appealing features) are mental and distressed, while transvestites, mothers and sympathetic daughters are typical carefully filtered through their female-identified lens. He states: ‘Females have significantly more tips, even more ability to amaze. They’re a lot more shameless. They inform their unique girlfriends even what they do during sex and their husbands.’ Penélope Cruz on Almodóvar: ‘Pedro loves females, he is very curious about how we think, the way we feel. He finds united states difficult and then he loves that issue.’


Mario Testino, 52

Just Who:


Precisely Why:

Because his images generate his female subjects look sleek, attractive and delightful – instead of the infinitely much less attractive possibilities of edgy, wacky, waifish, or ‘real’. From Diana (radiant in a black poloneck ) to Elizabeth Hurley ( red bikini and fur layer), Testino creates pictures with power in their unadulterated sexiness.

He says:

‘I perform by instinct. I actually do, after which I think.’

10. Muhammad Yunus, 65

Just Who:

Economist, founder of Grameen Financial


Grameen Bank lends small amounts of money to Bangladesh’s bad, making it possible for these to be business owners, pioneering the practise of micro-credit lending. More than 96 per cent of Grameen financing have gone to ladies, who are suffering disproportionately from impoverishment. Awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Reward. According to him: If you are born into an unhealthy household, if you should be a woman you’ve seen the worst of poverty. In a cultural method, from inside the people in Bangladesh, it’s the lady whom consumes final. So if you have actually a scarcity during the household … she misses around. Everything will come in the raw deal on her behalf. Very, given the possibility, she works hard to generate a change to enhance her existence.’

11. Daniel Craig, 38

Just Who:

Actor, James Bond

Exactly Why:

Really does Craig comprehend females? You never know – that is not the reason why he is with this record. Craig’s appropriate because just last year, he buffed up, stripped off and presented for all the Casino Royale poster chance; and that image has led massively to a new understanding of females. The photograph is, truth be told, gratuitous. It launched so many female dreams; it re-awakened the crush impulse in women that has given up on fancying movie stars.

He states:

‘We anticipate feminine performers commit nude consider men? I’d carry out the full front scene. I’m not bashful.’ Judi Dench on Craig: ‘It’s a total monster! Perhaps i ought ton’t have mentioned that. Exactly how uncouth of myself.’

12. David Steel MP, 68


An old chief with the Liberal party. Now Lord Steel of Aikwood


For launching the abortion costs to parliament in 1966 when he was among the youngest MPs in the home and being a fundamental user in clearing Britain of backstreet terminations. The 1967 Abortion Act made abortion appropriate in the united kingdom around 28 days gestation. Before 1967 there were up to 100,000 unlawful abortions carried out from year to year and females on a regular basis died through these botched operations.

According to him:

‘I happened to be driven by revulsion from the harm brought on by criminal and self-induced abortion.’

13. Nick Hornby, 49



The Reason Why:

Study High Fidelity, Fever Pitch, and About a child and howl aided by the laughter of painful recognition. The guy writes for women that are looking to appreciate males. As the majority of us invest our lives wanting to carry out exactly that, he victories himself a location during the interior circle.

According to him:

‘we never worry about the accusations of domesticity, providing men and women recognise that all of us, perhaps the luckiest, will live stays in which we’ve the hearts damaged, endure the loss of relatives, worry ourselves 1 / 2 to passing about our children.’

14. Stephen Lewis, 69

Just Who:

HIV/Aids campaigner

Precisely Why:

For their limitless work supporting females and kids afflicted with the African HIV/Aids pandemic. Lewis has presented various articles on UN, including deputy administrator manager of Unicef and secretarygeneral’s unique envoy for HIV/ supports Africa, whilst helping the Overseas helps vaccine step together with WHO. He additionally operates their own foundation.

He states:

‘Every 15 minutes, another kid passed away, and each ten full minutes, therefore, there clearly was this inconsolable weep of anguish through the mommy with the youngster who’d passed away. And I had been so surprised by it all – it had been very merciless, it actually was therefore continuous.’ CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Lewis: ‘He lobbies tirelessly getting females suitable medications and will not accept exactly what the guy phone calls the “grotesque two fold requirement” that declines women in poor nations the medicine that may stop the indication of HIV on their babies, while it is today practically unheard-of for mothers within wealthy american countries to provide birth to HIV-infected babies.’

15. Gordon Brown, 55

Exactly Who:

Chancellor of this Exchequer


Based on author Kate Mosse, ‘it’s difficult say just what political figures think, and the things they think they have been meant to imagine or say, but Gordon Brown’s motion on early many years childcare, as well as on debt relief for Africa, suggests the guy – or someone near him – understands the nature associated with the usual connection that nonetheless is available between ladies of various kinds, experiences and centuries. The Observer’s political editor, Gaby Hinsliff, listings ‘childcare income tax credit, taking VAT off tampons, having a lot more women ministers than any some other department in the early decades, and usually getting a closet feminist even before he had gotten married’, as known reasons for his inclusion with this record.

He says:

‘i am a father. That is what does matter many. Absolutely nothing does matter more.’ Polly Toynbee on Brown: ‘making use of the minimum wage, he lifted 1.5m females away from pay bondage. Many had been earning £2 an hour: now truly ready at £5.35 – not yet a full time income salary, but an excellent enhancement.’

16. Paul Dacre, 57

Just Who:

Publisher, Routine Mail


Like a bossy headmistress, the regular Mail confides in us (over and over repeatedly) that we drink too-much, work continuously and love a lot of, but its feature-led formula and Femail pages imply that the newsprint has a greater percentage of females audience than nearly any other national. The editor Paul Dacre viscerally knows exactly what their visitors – such as a massive million center England women each day – worry about, whether it is Goldie Hawn’s faulty style feeling, Sadie Frost’s sex-life or Doreen Lawrence’s outrage within murder of her daughter.

He states:

‘I do not think it’s possible to have a newsprint publisher who is maybe not hitched with young children…they won’t understand the real situation.’ They claim: ‘He deals with everything from the degree of emotion.’

17. Alan Bennett, 72

Exactly Who:

Playwright and writer

The Reason Why:

Inspired by his personal union with is quite mummy (or ‘mam’ as he constantly labeled as this lady), Bennett’s award-winning monologues give a voice compared to that all-too-easily stereotyped, frequently disregarded types – older people woman. Within his arms, ladies of a certain get older have rich inside everyday lives that go much beyond clichéd musings throughout the menopause. At the same time he is provided several of our very own best personality stars, such as Thora Hird, Julie Walters, Maggie Smith and Patricia Routledge the funniest & most apposite contours of their careers.

According to him:

‘i am unwilling to end up being enrolled in the ranks of gay martyrdom, unwilling, if the honestly, to get signed up for any positions at all.’ Julie Walters on an intercourse scene with Bennett: ‘He’d walk out the room while i acquired undressed and I also’d scream: “hold on tight Alan! I’m merely wanting to put my personal limit in.” You could potentially feel him blushing through walls …’

18. Kypros Nicolaides, 53

Exactly Who:

Pioneer of foetal medicine


Based at King’s university Hospital in London, maternity specialist Nicolaides leads groundbreaking operation carried out on infants from inside the uterus. Their heart consistently treat around 10,000 ladies a year.

He says:

‘The foetal medication device is actually my entire life and also the clients tend to be my loved ones. So, once I see a patient crying or we provide people not so great news we put my personal arms around them and many times I wind up crying with these people.’

19. Sir Paul Nurse, 57


Biologist, shared director general of disease Research UK

The Reason Why:

Described by sunlight as ‘the David Beckham of technology’, Nurse’s tests on yeast resulted in the finding on the gene that regulates mobile division, inspiring scientists to anticipate that a lot of types of cancer will be treatable. With other Brit Tim Hunt and United states Leland Hartwell, he had been given a Nobel reward for radically altering our understanding of what sort of condition runs.

According to him:

‘during the last 5 years, we have observed positively obvious evidence that in the event that you perform a, b and c, it generally does not cure, it means about 3,000 a lot more women endure yearly. That’s been great.’

20. Ken Loach, 70


Movie director


For sympathetically portraying the plight of impoverished unmarried mothers in the renowned Play for Today Cathy get back. On 16 November 1966, 12 million television audience saw Cathy, played by celebrity Carol White, have actually her kids artificially recinded from the lady by personal services. The gritty, documentary-style video footage opened debate and put light on all-too-real traumas.

According to him:

‘It was actually a giant thing for people. It made a huge difference.’

21. Richard Eyre, 63


Theatre movie director, publisher

Exactly Why:

They have a kindness and susceptibility within his work which was specifically showcased within his movie Iris when Judi Dench played the Alzheimer’s-ridden blogger Iris Murdoch. Eyre’s very own mummy had it.

He says:

‘You’re wanting to protect one thing terribly mild: the flick of an eyelash and/or raising of a brow.’ Observer theatre critic Susannah Clapp says: ‘ways the guy sets females onstage is actually innovative, in which he writes very well about females – his wife, daughter and mummy.’

22. Sebastian Faulks, 53



Exactly Why:

And in addition, their repeating themes – the human cost of really love and combat – draws a stronger feminine fanbase. Possibly due to his very own mom’s description, Faulks features something special for getting inside a woman’s mind.

According to him:

‘Really don’t find it at all difficult to speak about sex, really love, feeling. You are aware, girly circumstances.’ Novelist Julie Myerson on Faulks: ‘On Green Dolphin Street the most heart-shakingly ac curate depictions of the way it seems getting feminine along with really love that I’ve actually ever look over.’

23. Manolo Blahnik, 63

Just Who:

Shoe developer


For over three decades, Blahnik has fanned the flames of female shoe lust. Manolos have been so regularly referenced through glossier elements of well-known tradition, which they’ve come to be clichés. Marge Simpson used a set of Manolo mules in an episode with the Simpsons, Carrie Bradshaw dressed in Manolos so continuously through Intercourse and the City which they’ve later been paid as playing a supporting character in the TV show.

He says:

‘Half my designs tend to be controlled fantasy, 15 % tend to be total insanity and remainder tend to be breadand- butter styles.’ Madonna on Manolo: ‘His shoes are better than gender. In addition to this, they last for much longer.’

24. Roland Mouret, 45


Fashion designer

Exactly Why:

Mouret features an easy grasp on what ladies truly want from frocks. Unlike many other male designers, he is able to straddle the range between sophisticated and glamorous; their feeling (epitomised by last year’s runaway fashion struck, the Galaxy outfit as worn by Carol Vorderman to Cameron Diaz) requires no compromise in name of either style or sexiness. Now Mouret’s undergoing democratising his visual -last season the guy designed outfits for space.

He says:

‘i must say i like females, all ladies. By the point a lady places on one of my gowns, we are currently in to the second part of all of our union – i am considering the lady while I’ve been developing, and I know-how Needs this lady to appear and feel.’

25. John Galliano, 47



Precisely Why:

Galliano is style’s great intimate however with a darker area – a maverick appeal that thrills women. His styles – tiny nipped-in waists, designed suits, crafted to flatter the female form – tend to be launched in magnificent kind: a Galliano show will be the hot pass regarding the Paris period even for jaded of Devil Wears Prada-style editors.

According to him:

‘Women are females, and hooray for this. The thing is with guys. They will have shrouded and hidden ladies to cover up their unique incompetence.’

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