Want to become a part of G4S but not sure how to apply? If yes, you are at the right place. Mainly because we have shared G4S Careers and all the possible ways to apply – the procedure and eligibility criteria. Other than that, it is always a plus to know which department you want to apply to such as Security GuardCashier, or others. That is the reason why we have mentioned departments and openings in G4S.

 Company Name G4S Group
 Job Location Dubai
 Nationality Selective
 Education Equivalent degree/diploma holders
 Experience Mandatory
 Salary Discuss during an interview
 Benefits As per UAE labor law
 Last Updated on 28th April 2022

G4S Careers (New Vacancies)

G4S Careers Announced Security Jobs & Other Vacancies
G4S Careers Announced Security Jobs & Other Vacancies

Detailed Information About G4S Global

A British multinational security company, G4S has headquarters in London. The inception of the company was way before the time it was launched in 2004. There are more than 533,000 people who are associated with this company. It is by far the third-largest private employer. Also, it is the largest African and European private employer company.

It offers a long list of security services. Those services are around monitoring equipment, prisoner transportation services, security professionals, and response units. Besides that, it also provides security to overseas governments. In the last month of 2020, $5.1 billion was extended to purchase a security firm G4S. If this offer is accepted then there will be more than 750,000 people employed. This news is spread like a fire in the woods.

Eligibility Criteria for G4S Security Jobs

Like many other companies, G4S also offers job opportunities based on some grounds. According to those who are part of the security company G4S, one must meet the following criteria.

  • Experience: one should complete 2 years in law or security enforcement. Another option is to have 2 years of experience in the military. This means one should be active on duty for 2 years.
  • Tests and Evaluation: other than experience, an applicant should pass both, drug and psychiatric tests.

How To Apply For G4S Careers?

Just like many other companies, G4S Global also has a wide number of jobs in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. To apply for G4S online, one can find the list of vacancies below. Following are some areas and job titles where you can try luck in finding a job. Wish you all the very best! 🙂

List Of Vacant Positions (Newly Updated)

Oracle APEX Developer Dubai View & Apply
Security Systems Maintenance Manager Dubai View & Apply



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